Patients Who Had TED for Years Before and After TEPEZZA Treatment

Real-world cases have shown that TEPEZZA can work in patients who have had TED for up to 20 years

Diagonised patient
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Kim: I'm Kim. And this is my journey with Thyroid Eye Disease.

When I was 17, I started to get really tired, and my mom was worried about me, so she took me to the doctor to have me checked for Mono. And the doctor did the blood work and said, you do not have Mono. I think it's just growing pains and kind of just sent me on my way.

And then I went to college where I was recruited to play volleyball and run track. When I went to the volleyball camp before the season, the coach called me into the office and she looked at me and she said, “You play like you're sick, I'm cutting you.” And I was devastated.

So, I went to a doctor on campus and he basically told me I was a hypochondriac.

My uncle is an ophthalmologist and he looked at me and said, ”Oh my gosh, you are so sick.” My uncle got me into an endocrinologist, and he said, “You have Graves’ disease and you need treatments immediately.”

So, I started radiation treatments. Once that was stabilized, my eye symptoms started to get worse. And my uncle at that time said, “You have Thyroid Eye Disease and it is independent from your Grave's disease.”

I had the tightness in my eyes. The bulging. And they kept getting worse and worse as time was going on. My eyelids wouldn't close. So, I was putting night eye ointment in all the time. I was using drops constantly, so I always knew my eyes were there. So, they got me into a ocular plastic surgeon and I had my first Levator surgery.

That took care of the major symptoms. But I was still using the eye ointment at night. I was still using drops.

I could drive during the day, but nighttime no, everything, all the lights were double.

You just kind of learn to live with those symptoms and move on because you think there's nothing you can do anymore. So, I thought this is just how it was going to be.

You just aren't comfortable anymore with yourself in your own skin and everything bothers you. I didn't want to really be around people. I didn't want to go to events. It got to a point where I didn't want to be out in public because people would look at me and I knew they were looking at my eyes.

Discovering TEPEZZA

After 25 years and four surgeries I said to my optometrist, I need some help. So that’s when she recommended that I see an oculoplastic surgeon and the new oculoplastic surgeon said, “Hey, there's this new medicine out called TEPEZZA. I think before we do any more surgeries on you, you should try it.

I had told her I saw the commercials and I said I didn't think it was an option for me because I thought I had to be in that bad phase with all those bad symptoms I had before.

And she said, “No, I’m pretty sure this is going to be it.”

Kim’s Treatment Experience & Results

When I went for my first infusion, I was very anxious.

Then after the second treatment, I got used to everything. And by the third treatment is when I really noticed that the pink in my eyes was gone. And then after the fourth treatment, I noticed the bulging had decreased.

It was exciting to, to see that.

The most significant difference was infusions five through eight. The tightness was gone. I was blinking normally again, and I could sleep without using eye ointment.

When I was done, my eye bulging, decreased three millimeters in each eye, which is a significant difference.

Post Treatment

To see myself now, after this treatment, it's been inspiring and uplifting and healing because I don't think about my eyes every day anymore. I can go about my day being confident and people aren't asking me about my eyes.

When my son got married, I actually couldn't wait to see the pictures. And you see a picture. You don't see eyes.

It's been an amazing experience. If I can help somebody who was in the same stage as I was and thinks they can't do this, they should make sure they ask their doctor, “is this an option for me?” Because I didn't think it was and it's been incredible.

I wish 25 years ago TEPEZZA would have been around because I would have gotten back 25 years of my life of not having to think or feel something constantly every day.

TEPEZZA results in real-world patients who had TED for years from one published case series:

A small study of 31 patients who had TED for years was done across several university hospitals.

  • On average the patients who were in this study had TED for 7 years (ranging from 2 to 17 years)

At the time the study was published, 17 of these patients had completed all 8 infusions of TEPEZZA. The remaining 14 patients were in the process of finishing treatment.

The results of the study showed:

  • All 31 patients had eye bulging before taking TEPEZZA. After TEPEZZA, 28 of the 31 patients saw reduced eye bulging* in their more severe eye
  • 15 of the 31 patients had double vision before taking TEPEZZA. After TEPEZZA, 10 of the 15 patients saw improvements in double vision. And 8 of the 15 patients saw their double vision completely go away
  • All 31 patients had redness, swelling and eye pain before taking TEPEZZA. After TEPEZZA, 28 of the 31 patients had little to no redness, swelling, and eye pain. And 18 of the 31 patients had their redness, swelling, and eye pain completely go away

*Eye bulging was reduced by at least 2 mm

Before and After TEPEZZA photos of patients who had Thyroid Eye Disease for years. Patients saw reduced eye bulging, redness, and swelling:


Comparison photos of patient with Thyroid Eye Disease before and after TEPEZZA treatment, with post-treatment photo showing reduced eye bulging after 8 infusionsComparison photos of patient with Thyroid Eye Disease before and after TEPEZZA treatment, with post-treatment photo showing reduced eye bulging after 8 infusions

After Treatment (8 infusions)

Real patient treated with TEPEZZA. Individual results may vary.

  • Before TEPEZZA, this patient had eye bulging, double vision, and mild eye redness, swelling, and pain
  • His prior treatments were steroids, radiation, decompression eye surgery, and strabismus eye surgery
  • After TEPEZZA, this patient had reduced eye bulging of 6 mm in one eye and 4.5 mm in the other eye. His double vision, eye pain, redness, and swelling completely went away

Select Important Safety Information

The most common side effects of TEPEZZA include muscle cramps or spasms, nausea, hair loss, diarrhea, feeling tired, high blood sugar, hearing problems, taste changes, headache, dry skin, weight loss, nail problems, and changes in menstruation.

See how TEPEZZA works

TEPEZZA is the only medicine to treat Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) at its source, not just the symptoms. Watch a video to see how TEPEZZA treats TED.

TEPEZZA Reduced Eye Bulging: results from another real-world study of patients who had TED for years

Another small study of 9 patients who had TED for years was done at the Shiley Eye Institute located at the University of California, San Diego.

  • On average, the patients in the study had TED for 6 years (ranging from 9 months to 20 years)

All patients in the study completed all 8 infusions of TEPEZZA.

The results of the study showed:

  • 7 out of the 9 patients taking TEPEZZA had reduced eye bulging*
  • Although only 3 of the 9 patients had inflammation (eye pain, redness, and swelling) before they started TEPEZZA, all 3 of these patients had little-to-no redness, swelling, and eye pain after taking TEPEZZA

*Eye bulging was reduced by at least 2 mm

Select Important Safety Information

TEPEZZA may cause an increase in your blood sugar. Before starting treatment with TEPEZZA, tell your doctor if you are currently being treated for diabetes, know your blood sugar is high, or have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is important for you to take your treatments and follow an appropriate diet for glucose control as prescribed by your doctor.

Talking to your doctor about Thyroid Eye Disease

Use this tool to help your TED Eye Specialist better understand the full impact of TED on your daily life.

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More photos of Thyroid Eye Disease before and after TEPEZZA treatment

Below are photos that doctors took of some patients who had TED for years before TEPEZZA and after 8 infusions. Individual results may vary.


Comparison photos of patient with Chronic Thyroid Eye Disease before and after TEPEZZA treatment, with post-treatment photo showing less eyelid retraction after 8 infusionsComparison photos of patient with Chronic Thyroid Eye Disease before and after TEPEZZA treatment, with post-treatment photo showing less eyelid retraction after 8 infusions

After Treatment (8 infusions)

Real patient treated with TEPEZZA. Individual results may vary.

Before receiving TEPEZZA, this patient had multiple surgeries, including:

  • A thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid)
  • Decompression surgery (to reduce eye bulging)
  • Lower lid retraction repair surgeries (to repair pulled-back eyelids)
  • Surgery to restore the appearance of her face and eyes

Despite these treatments and surgery, the patient still had eye bulging before TEPEZZA.


Photos of patient with Chronic Thyroid Eye Disease before and after TEPEZZA treatment, with post-treatment photo showing reduced eye bulging after 8 infusionsPhotos of patient with Chronic Thyroid Eye Disease before and after TEPEZZA treatment, with post-treatment photo showing reduced eye bulging after 8 infusions

After Treatment (8 infusions)

Real patient treated with TEPEZZA. Individual results may vary.

Before receiving TEPEZZA, this patient was treated with:

  • Steroids taken by mouth
  • Steroid injections
  • Surgery to reduce eye bulging

Despite these treatments and surgery, the patient still had double vision and eye bulging before TEPEZZA.

A recent study shows TEPEZZA can help patients who have had TED for years

See how TEPEZZA can help a wide range of TED patients.


What is the most important information I should know about TEPEZZA?

Infusion reactions can happen during or within 24 hours after your infusion of TEPEZZA. If you have a reaction while receiving TEPEZZA, your doctor or nurse will slow or stop your infusion and treat your reaction. If you have a severe infusion reaction, your doctor may stop your treatment completely.

Tell your doctor or nurse right away if you have any of these symptoms during or after your treatment with TEPEZZA:
  • High blood pressure
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Redness of the face/Feeling hot
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain

If you have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, TEPEZZA may make your IBD symptoms worse. Symptoms of worsening IBD may include: an increased number of loose stools with stomach pain or cramps, and blood in your stools. After each TEPEZZA infusion, tell your doctor right away if you have worsening IBD symptoms.

TEPEZZA may cause an increase in your blood sugar. Before starting treatment with TEPEZZA, tell your doctor if you are currently being treated for diabetes, know your blood sugar is high, or have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is important for you to take your treatments and follow an appropriate diet for glucose control as prescribed by your doctor.

TEPEZZA may cause severe hearing problems including hearing loss, which in some cases may be permanent. Tell your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms of hearing problems or changes in hearing.

Before receiving TEPEZZA, tell your doctor if you:
  • Have inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis).
  • Are currently being treated for diabetes, have been diagnosed with diabetes, or know your blood sugar is high.
  • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. TEPEZZA may harm your unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you become pregnant or suspect you are pregnant during treatment with TEPEZZA.
    • Women who are able to become pregnant should use an effective form of birth control (contraception) prior to starting treatment, during treatment and for at least 6 months after the final dose of TEPEZZA.
  • Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if TEPEZZA passes into your breast milk. Talk to your doctor about the best ways to feed your baby during treatment with TEPEZZA.
  • Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, dietary and herbal supplements. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your doctor and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.
What are the possible side effects of TEPEZZA?

The most common side effects of TEPEZZA include muscle cramps or spasms, nausea, hair loss, diarrhea, feeling tired, high blood sugar, hearing problems, taste changes, headache, dry skin, weight loss, nail problems, and changes in menstruation.

This is not a complete list of all possible side effects. Tell your doctor or treatment team about any side effect you may have.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Please visit for more information.


TEPEZZA is a prescription medicine used to treat Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), no matter if you’ve had TED for months or years.

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What is the most important information I should know about TEPEZZA?

Infusion reactions can happen during or within 24 hours after your infusion of TEPEZZA. If you have a reaction while receiving TEPEZZA, your doctor or nurse will slow or stop your infusion and treat your reaction. If you have a severe infusion reaction, your doctor may stop your treatment completely.

Tell your doctor or nurse right away if you have any of these symptoms during or after your treatment with TEPEZZA:
  • High blood pressure
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Redness of the face/Feeling hot
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain

If you have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, TEPEZZA may make your IBD symptoms worse. Symptoms of worsening IBD may include: an increased number of loose stools with stomach pain or cramps, and blood in your stools. After each TEPEZZA infusion, tell your doctor right away if you have worsening IBD symptoms.

TEPEZZA may cause an increase in your blood sugar. Before starting treatment with TEPEZZA, tell your doctor if you are currently being treated for diabetes, know your blood sugar is high, or have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is important for you to take your treatments and follow an appropriate diet for glucose control as prescribed by your doctor.

TEPEZZA may cause severe hearing problems including hearing loss, which in some cases may be permanent. Tell your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms of hearing problems or changes in hearing.

Before receiving TEPEZZA, tell your doctor if you:
  • Have inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis).
  • Are currently being treated for diabetes, have been diagnosed with diabetes, or know your blood sugar is high.
  • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. TEPEZZA may harm your unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you become pregnant or suspect you are pregnant during treatment with TEPEZZA.
    • Women who are able to become pregnant should use an effective form of birth control (contraception) prior to starting treatment, during treatment and for at least 6 months after the final dose of TEPEZZA.
  • Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if TEPEZZA passes into your breast milk. Talk to your doctor about the best ways to feed your baby during treatment with TEPEZZA.
  • Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, dietary and herbal supplements. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your doctor and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.
What are the possible side effects of TEPEZZA?

The most common side effects of TEPEZZA include muscle cramps or spasms, nausea, hair loss, diarrhea, feeling tired, high blood sugar, hearing problems, taste changes, headache, dry skin, weight loss, nail problems, and changes in menstruation.

This is not a complete list of all possible side effects. Tell your doctor or treatment team about any side effect you may have.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Please visit for more information.


TEPEZZA is a prescription medicine used to treat Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), no matter if you’ve had TED for months or years.

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